GSV United Way Pitches "Equity Analysis" Bid

6 yrs later, the GSV United Way has put out a bid for "equity analysis". Never mind that they terminated commitment with Inequity Analysis & our 5 grassroots county leaders, who would provide free educational opportunities to those who want to analyze *their own* institution. The “United Way” reason? “It doesn’t make sense for separate groups to devote significant resources to the same initiative.” Will someone in their network win the UW contract to analyze *others*?

As of 4/8/21, I have seen no public announcement on who, if anyone, did win this bid.

Daily Item Aug 26, 2020

SUNBURY — The Diversity and Inclusion Impact Council of the Greater Susquehanna Valley United Way and United Way of Columbia-Montour County are seeking proposals and partnerships in performing a Community Equity Analysis for the Susquehanna Valley. The goal is to develop a regional equity strategy by early 2021. 

The proposed study will work with key stakeholders to identify proper data collection, collection of qualitative and quantitative data and provide recommendations for more equitable programs and systems in the region. The analysis will aim to focus on: Education; Income and Wealth; Development; Housing, Infrastructure and Amenities; Health (Physical and Mental); Recreation and Quality of Life; Policing/Criminal Justice; Dignity and Respect; and Civic Participation.

"The purpose of this project is to bring many community voices and perspectives together to gather the information we need to create a road map for positive change,” said Stacey Piecuch, senior director of community impact at GSV United Way.  Besides study proposals, the group is seeking partners who would like to join in the effort of addressing systemic change. Partners are being asked to consider a monetary contribution appropriate for their organization and to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as part of their commitment to the study. The United Way has already committed $10,000 to diversity initiatives.

Consultants and firms interested in performing the Community Equity Analysis can go to for the complete Request for Proposal. The initial round of questions for the United Way is due Sept. 4 and the proposal in full is due on Oct. 2. The MOU is also available on the site for potential partners to review.