
The People's Institute for Survival and Beyond is the organization that provides Undoing Racism® training. They have trained over 500,000 people in anti-racism training since 1980. You can read more about them here

Helpful terms defining racism

My Personal Reflection on Undoing Racism™

Ohio State's Kirwan Institute study State of Implicit Bias: 2014

The Jury Expert: The Convoluted Spectrum of White Guilt Reactions: A Review of Emerging Literature

Pocket Guide for the Pennsylvania Courts

Literature Review- The Identity Development of White Anti-Racists by Lindsay Hammond- U of Vermont, Higher Education and Student Affarirs (HESA)

This blog was previously dedicated to raising money for Undoing Racism(tm) training. See below for evaluations of that program, if you are interested:

Evaluation of Undoing Racism® training available online:
The Art and Science of Integrating Undoing Racism with CBPR: Challenges of Pursuing NIH Funding to Investigate Cancer Care and Racial Equity  
The New York Academy of Medicine 2006

 Michigan University's Prevention Research Center evaluation of Undoing Racism® training

Training for Racial Equity and Inclusion: A Guide to Selected Programs by the Aspen Institute, The Center for Assessment and Policy Development and Project Change Anti-Racism Initiative