Request a Free Talk for Your Organization, Business, or Classroom

"Institutions and Inequality-- a Cultural Approach" by Kathryn Bullington

Institutions are the gatekeepers of our cultural outcomes in politics, education, business, and social services. How can institutions approach the problem of racial disparities? How do we address accusations of racial bias in Central Pennsylvania? This 1 hr. talk will discuss cultural barriers specific to Central Pennsylvania that hinder equitable outcomes, and steps leaders can take to remove roadblocks for healthy social cultures. 

"The Roots of Racism" by Kathryn Bullington

Why is racism embedded in our culture? This 1 hour talk outlines the roots of racism in US culture. People care, but often look for a scapegoat on which or whom to blame racism. The truth is more ubiquitous. Our collective experiences evolving in our culture has brought us to where we are today. What will our future bring? Hard questions, and hard answers.

"The Challenges and Assets of Multi-Cultural Communities" by Kathryn Bullington

This is a 45min. talk on the statistics, challenges and strategies of building healthy, multi-cultural communities.

A multi-cultural citizenry increases civic engagement, increases innovation, and increases business profits. But, none of this can happen if communities are hampered by racism. This is another reason why we need our community leaders to be able to engage in conversations about racism -- what it is, where it comes from, and how to 'undo' it.

"Who are we? Race and Identity in Rural PA" by Kathryn Bullington

In this talk, Bullington shares and reflects on her personal experiences witnessing and acting racist with honesty and understanding, and offers steps to change behaviors that perpetuate racist actions.  

Request a free talk